Archive | May 2007

Strength For Each New Day

Following a rather mixed weekend, I have gotten up today thinking so much about my life.

I owe eveything to my Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ and I hope my life radiates at least a portion of that gratefulness to Him without sounding boastful and haughty!

I am learning to ask God to grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.

Not such an easy lesson at times of hardship and struggle, be that inner or physical. However, I must always look to him for my measure of grace for the day ahead and nothing more or less. God only gives enough for that day. Remember the Israelites? Manna in the desert was given for that day only!!

Having been through a difficult weekend of tooth pain and a cancelled anniversary celebration , I came to see how easy it is for the enemy to throw ugly horrendous darts at me, lies that can accumulate quickly, masses of deception bombarding my grey matter , as when am not prayed up I am an easy target…as are most of us am sure…but God will not be mocked. As I turned in my lowest hour to Him, he restored me and I drew strength from His grace and mercy.

As you enter each new day, ask God to strengthen and use you. You can be sure that as you look back on your day, you’ll praise and glorify the Lord as you realize what He has enabled you to do.

( I ) can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. —Philippians 4:13

Lord, give me strength for this day’s task,
Not for tomorrow would I ask;
At twilight hour, oh, may I say,
“The Lord has been my guide today.” —Nillingham

Yeh! It’s Sunday…..and God is on the Move

Have been in pain all weekend with very bad toothache ( altho there is no tooth as it was extracted last Monday), but an area that was sutured. Think it’s infected …Am waiting to see an emergency dentist today as they could not get me in yesterday…ouch!!

Aside from that , It was my 23rd wedding anniversary yesterday too. 23 years of marriage to the same man, my bestest friend!!

Am so honoured to be able to say that. For several years it was so rocky that 23 years seemed a million years away!

Thank God for a man who was willing to seek God on how to sort things out …My dh husband loves me to pieces, he is always telling me so, but because of my past and damaged emotions, I was drawing further and further away from him. To the point that I was almost able to walk away from the relationship….

 Then came along Celebrate Recovery!! Whoo hoo…..God is soooooooooooo good….have been in there 3 years, 2 of which I co – lead. I have seen change after change take place in my life as well as many others through this awesome ministry. It is a growing ministry now here in the UK and God is moving it along fast through the churches as it is so needed. See Here for further info :

Only God knew what I needed, Only God could have done what has been done in My life and Only God knows ALL my past…and that is where it shall remain in the past!!

 Philippians 3: 13-14 Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.


Romans 8:35 – 39  Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written:

“ For Your sake we are killed all day long;
       We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I have just had the most dreadful two weeks…am talking real life scenarios….If it wasn’t for the fact I have been part of the recovery group in church I am convinced I may well have lost the plot…BIG time!!

You know, it is hard for me to confront issues that arise in my life concerning other people. I prefer to stay away or retreat from situations, but God is healing me on this and having me face and deal with them. I am doing so much better than I did at one time.

I have recently come to a place in my life where God has exposed some acquaintances ,whose opinions of me have hurt me and hurt even more so because I am not supposed to know this…it was revealed to me….I am stunned that someone would say such things formed out of their own opinions. This being another christian as well.

For one awful moment I was of a different frame of mind, one that God was not pleased with, and then I remembered…look for the good in people, Jesus does. Altho He does judge sin. So here I am, looking hard for that good…I will find it!!


God ‘IS’ so Good


Thursday already! Where is the time going?

I am feeling so upbeat and full of Jesus this morning…Prayer certainly changes me if it doesn’t change situations..

I have been so touched by others generosity recently, in fact more than touched, i have been blown away.

My youngest dd is wanting to go on a missions trip to Uganda with her new school. They do this apparently every 2 years with students 13yrs and over. The school supports a missionary sent from their church out there ( this lady has set up a school ) and the children go along and play with the children, learn about another culture, hardships etc and is a fantastic opportunity for any young person..

Well, we have to raise money of course to send her there…and I was asking on a forum I visit regularly, for ideas. WOW, I was blessed by the response. Some people have contacted me personally and would like to sponsor her!! some have suggested brilliant ways of raising money…

All in all, I feel God was letting me see that I am , at times, looking in the wrong places for the blessings…if you understand me…

When I give my ALL , my everything, over to Him,His grace abounds and He delights to show me the blessings He has prepared for me and mine. He does so even when I hold back, I know that, but how much more I see when I give willingly and without question to Him.

May you see your blessings today as you serve Him.




Gosh, today hit me right between my eyes!! and It HURT!

It isn’t often I let situations take hold but maybe today I was most vulnerable.

I feel so bad for a friend and her dh who have recently split up……. I know that God can and will make a way when there seems to be no way, and He will!


ETA : I have made my peace with the Lord…and edited my post to suit this.