A God of ALL Comfort



I recall as a young christian, crying out my heart, genuine heartfelt tears before Him, not sure of my future or my hope but He gave me this verse and even today as I write, it still comforts me immensley, knowing He has everything under His control.

He has my:

  •  prodigal children
  •  future ministry (s)
  •  marriage
  •  gifts
  •  everything

All I need to do is pray and trust Him. The rest is already taken care of….

I see God gently moving my life in the direction He knows best and as long as I hold onto every promise He has made concerning all of my concerns, and His word, it will come to pass.

In recent times, I , along with many of my congregation, have seen changes take place, quite painful changes but ones that have made a huge difference in many of our lives. It has made the words of this Psalm so prevalent for today:

Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. Psalm 146:3 

At the end of the day, there is only one God we can trust and he is not man that He should lie….

And so I press on, trusting in Him for all my concerns. Believing Him when all around me seems utter chaos, and hoping in Him when all I see is nothingness…..