Archive | December 2007

It’s the Weekend!!

My o my, we are here already,looking quickly to the end of yet another year.

This one has passed so quickly and yet at times I really didn’t think so….

I am not long  back from spending Christmas down in a place called kettering with some dear friends…we had a blast! God is so awesome giving us people who are on the same page as each other…it makes fellowshipping much more fun too…

We were doubly blessed too as we got to visit with some of their family  who are in the RAF and this meant we had to go the camp…oo that was cool…

Anyhow, as the sister had just returned from a *tour* in Afghanistan, she was able to bless my daughter, who is going on a Mission Trip to Uganda soon, with some great stuff. boots she will def need, a backpack, and other various useful items. We were thrilled!!

Now, this weekend sees me baking a birthday cake for a gentleman in church who recently came in and gave his heart to the Lord. He will be 77.

I am nervous as it is for someone else but am thrilled for the opportunity too…

I will let you know how it gores, even take a picture of it perhaps!

Well, best get started, it won’t bake on its own…c ya soon xx

Catching My Breath!!

Where has the time gone I ask myself? Indeed it is so hard to blog and keep up with so many other things , especially this time of year.

Anyways, I am happy to report that things in my life have now began to slow down and make some sense.

Am not too sure I did  get into the whats and whys of my recent happenings but no worries because God is still Faithful, He is everlasting, he is MY STRENGTH and my shield!!

I have hit some hard times recently, in a spiritual sense that really *tested* my faith, all to do with people in fact! but I love God, I am not going to be a people pleaser any more so here I am, having endured the testing and now on the track running once more.

I am so thankful to the Lord because He sent me someone, who is so passionate for Him, who *met* me reading my blog,  and who has become a VERY special dear friend…Thank You Jesus!! We may live thousands of miles apart but we are united in the Body of Christ and that is so awesome!!

For His Peace To Come Over You Today"

              I pray His peace comes over you today,
              And covers you in holy, sacred love,
              Then sweeps you, tumbling, rolling down the stream,
              Into His river, gentle, wide and pure.
                      by Rev. Bill McGinnis -
Today’s Verse:
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.

I pray that as we enter into this weekend of seasonal activities in preparation for the Christmas Day, you will indeed find God’s Peace and Joy and Hope of all he is offering you in Christ Jesus.

I look forward to the coming New Year and more of
what God is going to do in all of our lives.

Glory to Him


A Busy Time Indeed!!



The Christmas Season is upon us so quickly….


I especially love this time of year, not because of the gifts or the shops but knowing that we celebrate our saviors’ birth and how much that eans to me in a personal way.


The past few weeks have been so busy, I have been helping my daughter bake and sell her cakes at church to raise money for her Mission Trip to Uganda coming up in March 2008.

On top of that there have been several *things* going on in my life that have taken up some of my time and energy…


Now, though, I am able to relax some and concentrate on worshiping my God and King .

This Season is all about Him and not me or anything happening in my life.


I am in awe of His faithfulness and how he has taken care of the details , He has brought some fresh new friends into my life who inspire and lift me. That is so important as we don’t get to fellowship too much with those in the church we attend.


I Thank God that He is all seeing and all knowing!



The Promises are For Us

“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.”
(2 Corinthians 1:20)

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ”.
(Ephesians 1:3)

If we are in Christ, then all the promises in the Bible can be found, claimed and received by us.

Good Morning, this is GOD I will be handling ALL your problems today.

Please remember …

If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFGTD Box (something for God to do). It will be addressed in My time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it. If you find yourself stuck in traffic, don’t despair. There are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard of privilege.

Should you have a bad day at work, think of the man who has been out of work for years.

Should you despair over a relationship gone bad, think of the person who has never known what it’s like to love and be loved in return.

Should you grieve the passing of another weekend, think of the woman in dire straits, working twelve hours a day, seven days a week to feed her children.

Should your car break down, leaving you miles away from assistance, think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk.

Should you notice a new gray hair in the mirror, think of the cancer patient in chemo who wishes she had hair to examine.

Should you find yourself at a loss and pondering what is life all about, asking what is my purpose? Be thankful! There are those who didn’t live long enough to get the opportunity.

Should you find yourself the victim of other people’s bitterness, ignorance, smallness or insecurities, remember … things could be worse. You could be them!!!!

So, just relax, and have a

Matthew 11:28
“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.”